Amitabh Bachchan, who has been the host of ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 15’ bids an emotional farewell to the quiz based reality show, and said he has witnessed a new India on the ten seats of the stage. The first episode of season 15 premiered on August 14. Amitabh has hosted 14 seasons of the knowledge based reality show, since the year 2000. However, the season 3 of the show which premiered in 2007 was hosted by superstar Shah Rukh Khan.
The last episode of this season featured an IAS aspirant Avinash Bharti, who hails from Haiderganj, Uttar Pradesh. He won the amount of Rs 50 lakh. The finale episode also featured Indian Para-archer Sheetal Devi and actress Vidya Balan. They were followed by veteran actress Sharmila Tagore, and her granddaughter and diva Sara Ali Khan. In episode 100, which is titled as ‘Vidai Ka Samay’, the megastar was seen giving a monologue. For the finale episode, Amitabh sported a red suit and paired it with a white shirt.
In the monologue, the ‘Don’ actor said: “Goodbyes are really strange. Those who bid goodbye with a smile do so with really heavy hearts. Bidding a beloved goodbye doesn’t make you sad because it leaves the house vacant, rather, it makes you sad because their departure leaves a void in your heart.”
The 81-year-old actor shared that he had the urge to sit in the audience seats. “Normally, these seats are occupied by the audience and their selfless love. By people who are here to help total strangers. Prayers are invoked here. Playfulness and shenanigans are also born here. l’ve witnessed a new India on these 10 seats (fastest finger first seats). A glorious and progressive India,” he said.
The ‘Brahmastra’ actor went on to say, “An indigent India with unwavering and steadfast resolve. An India, who with the ink of its hard work, penned new destinies. I’ve witnessed futures being adorned and histories being written. It feels as though I’ve witnessed an entire journey of one’s life.” Amitabh said that the stage is his strength.