Mumbai Director Nitesh Tiwari has been in the headlines for a long time for his upcoming film Ramayan. Ranbir Kapoor is going to play the character of Lord Ram in this movie. In such a situation, this film has been making headlines for a long time regarding the casting of other characters.
So far, information has come out regarding Ramayana that Ranbir Kapoor will play the character of Ram in the film. Sunny Deol will be seen in the role of Hanuman. At the same time, the role of Sita was initially going to be played by South actress Sai Pallavi, but later news came that this role will be played by Jhanvi Kapoor.
discussions with Rakul Preet on final stages
Now according to a report in Pinkvilla, the Ramayan team is on the verge of closing the casting for another major character in the story. Nitesh Tiwari and his team are in the final stages of discussions with Rakul Preet Singh for the role of Shurpanakha in Ramayana.