Legendary batsman Sachin Tendulkar met para cricketer Aamir Hussain Lone during his visit to Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday. Tendulkar posted a video of their conversation on his ‘X’ handle and captioned the post, ‘For the real hero Aamir. Keep inspiring! Nice to meet you.’ The 34-year-old cricketer has a unique playing style.
He bowls using his legs and bats using his shoulders and neck. Lone was introduced to Para cricket after a teacher discovered his talent. He has been playing professional cricket since 2013.
The 34-year-old cricketer lost both his hands in an accident at his father’s mill when he was just eight years old. Last month, after his video went viral, Sachin had tweeted that he wanted to meet Aamir and was impressed by his dedication to the game.