Ludhiana: On Tuesday night around 9 pm, a rape case of a six-year-old girl was reported in Ludhiana, Punjab. The accused youth was caught by the people and severely beaten. He was also made to run naked. after the information police from Tibba police station reached the spot and rescued the young man. The matter is currently being investigated by the authorities.
According to the information, a minor girl was playing in the street. During this time, a young man living in the same locality took her with him and did rape with her. When the girl’s family returned from work, they seeing the girl bleeding.
The father of the victim girl mentioned that he and his wife were at work when the incident happened. The girl was home alone at the time. When her mother returned home, she found the girl standing in the bathroom, bleeding. The mother asked the girl what happened and the girl said she had stomach ache.
When the child was brought to a female doctor in the area, the doctor expressed suspicion that something wrong had happened to the child. When the girl’s family asked her about the incident, she revealed that her uncle, who is a resident of Vehda in the same area, had sexually abused her.
The victim’s family said that the girl has to study first class. The girl was taken to Civil Hospital in critical condition. Tibba police station is investigating the matter.