Hisar: On Monday morning a 50-year-old man died after being crushed under a truck on the Chandigarh-Sirsa highway in Hisar, Haryana. The deceased has been identified as Sajjan Singh, a resident of Surewala village. On receiving information about the incident, the police reached the spot took the body in their custody and sent it for post-mortem.
At the same time, after the incident, the accused truck driver fled from the spot. The police registered a case against the accused. Sajjan Singh, a resident of Surewala village, was crossing the road as he was going to village.
The truck driver left the truck and fled from the spot. At the same time, the middle-aged died on the spot. Meanwhile, a crowd of people had also gathered there. As soon as the information about this incident was received, the police reached the spot and the police investigated. The police questioned the people present there. The accused truck driver fled from the spot. The truck with which this incident happened is said to be full of sand. The police took the body into custody and sent it for post-mortem.
The condition of the family members is getting worse of the deceased Sajjan Singh. The deceased’s family consists of his wife and four children.
The deceased was taking care of his family by farming. But the family is shocked by his death in this manner. He was the only earning person in their house at the moment. The family members have demanded the police arrest the accused truck driver and take strict action against him.