New Delhi: The Civil Services Prelims Exam is not only a test of knowledge but also of your patience, dedication, and planning. Scheduled for Sunday, June 16, the exam consists of two papers: Prelims Paper-I from 9:30 am to 11:30 am, and Prelims Paper-II from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. To ensure you appear for the exam without stress, here are some essential tips from Abhishek Gupta, CEO of Rau’s IAS Study Circle.
1.) Firstly, use only a black ball pen to write answers on the answer sheet. Do not use any other pen, as it may lead to the rejection of your answer sheet. It’s advisable to carry some extra 0.7 black ball pens.
2.)Remember to carry your admit card and a valid identity card whose number is mentioned on the e-admit card to enter the exam hall. You can wear a plain watch to keep track of time, but do not use digital or smartwatches, as they are prohibited in the exam hall.
3.)Gather all necessary documents and materials like your admit card, identity card, and pens a day before the exam to avoid any last-minute rush. Wear comfortable clothes and avoid anything that may create discomfort or suspicion during the exam. Know the location of your exam center and the route to reach there in advance to help you arrive on time and without stress.
4.)Get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam to keep your mind fresh and alert, which will help you perform better. Eat light and nutritious food before the exam, avoiding too much oily or heavy food as it may cause sleepiness or discomfort during the exam.
5.)Maintain mental calm by avoiding discussions about possible questions or doubts with fellow candidates, as this may cause unnecessary stress. Have faith in yourself and do not overthink the exam; this will calm your mind and boost your confidence. If you come across a difficult question, do not panic. Move on to the next question and come back to it if you have time.