Brampton: In a tragic incident, A 22-year-old youth from Abuwal village near Ludhiana in Punjab committed suicide in Canada. The youth reportedly committed suicide by jumping in the Niagara Falls. The police have found the body of the deceased. The 22-year-old youth has been identified as Charandeep Singh.
The police identified Charandeep’s mortal remains with a DNA test. Before jumping, the youth had kept his mobile near Niagara Falls. According to the information, Charandeep Singh, son of Zora Singh, a resident of Abuwal village, went to Canada for studies ten months ago. There he was living with his friends in the basement of a house in Brampton, Ontario. His father had taken loan for sending his son abroad for higher studies in Canada.
Charandeep’s father said that his son suddenly went missing for a week. When Charandeep Singh did not return from work for several days they lodged a police complaint. His mobile was also switched off due to which his location was not traced. His friends living with him wrote posts on social media and gave information about him.
Late on Wednesday night, the Canadian police called and informed about Charandeep Singh’s death. Charanjit’s mother Binder Kaur and sister are inconsolable. Kin has demanded probe in the matter. They also have said that body of their son should be sent back.
The police have CCTV footage of the incident
When the Canadian police checked the CCTV footage of the incident site, Charandeep was seen jumping into the Niagara Falls. His body remained in the water for several days, so he could not be identified immediately.