Himachal Pradesh: Shopkeepers punish for charging more than MRP

Bilaspur Division Praveen Siuta said that about 105 inspections were done by the department in the last month.

Bilaspur: In Himachal Pradesh, Legal Metrology (Weights and Measures) Bilaspur Division has implemented strict action against shopkeepers who charge more than the MRP on packaged items. During the inspection, the department found rule violations at about 10 places, due to which action has been taken against the concerned shopkeepers and a fine of Rs 50,000 has been imposed.

In this regard, Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology (Weights and Measures) Bilaspur Division Praveen Siuta said that about 105 inspections were done by the department in the last month.

The department was constantly receiving complaints that overcharging was being done on packaged items. There were more complaints about this from the market place, the four-lane highway, and AIIMS. Here, more prices were being charged than the price. Apart from this, weighing machines were also inspected. During the investigation irregularities were found, a fine of Rs 14,000 has been imposed. He has appealed to the customers that if any shopkeeper charges you more than the MRP for a packaged item, then complain about it to the department.

- विज्ञापन -

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