Mumbai: In a tragic incident, a travel influencer died after falling into a gorge. She fall into gorge while she was shooting a video near the Kumbhe waterfalls in the Mangaon district of Raigad on Wednesday, police said.
The deceased travel influencer has been identified as Aanvi Kamdar (26), a resident of Mumbai. A travel influencer, Kamdar was fond of shooting reels. She had gone to the waterfalls with her friends to enjoy the rainy season at the waterfalls.
While taking photographs and videos of the waterfall, the deceased’s leg slipped, and she fell straight into a 350-foot-deep gorge. As soon as information about the incident was received, the Sahyadri Wildlife Conservation Society and Mangaon police officers reached the location, along with the rescue forces.
Superintendent of Police Raigad, Somnath Gharge, said that the woman was alive after falling into the gorge and was rescued. However, during the treatment, she passed away.
“While descending to rescue the woman from the gorge, there were big stones falling on us. At first, it seemed like the woman was not alive. However, after going closer, she was breathing, which confirmed that she was alive. She was immediately taken to the hospital. However, she died during the treatment,” Somnath Gharge said.
The rescue operation was started after taking stock of the situation.