Iconic wrestler Hulk Hogan endorses “hero, gladiator” Donald Trump for US President

Milwaukee: Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan brought back his World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) persona on stage on Friday at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in support of former President Donald Trump. Before Trump accepted the Republican nomination, The WWE Hall of Fame wrestler dressed in a navy blue suit, sunglasses, and a red bandana.

Milwaukee: Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan brought back his World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) persona on stage on Friday at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee in support of former President Donald Trump.

Before Trump accepted the Republican nomination, The WWE Hall of Fame wrestler dressed in a navy blue suit, sunglasses, and a red bandana took to the stage to endorse him.

Hogan, who was dressed in a navy blue suit and sporting his trademark blond handlebar moustache, delivered a highly energetic speech.
He took off his jacket to reveal a sleeveless black shirt with the words “real American” on it. He then proceeded to perform his iconic T-shirt rip.

Tearing off the black shirt, he revealed a Trump/Vance Red Hulk Hogan T-shirt. He said that he has seen the ” greatest tag team of my life.” Pointing to Trump in the audience, Hogan said,” “With our leader up there, my hero, that gladiator, we are gonna bring America back together. One real American at a time, brother!”

The crowd was heard roaring “USA, USA” at the antics of Hogan, who retired from wrestling in 2012. Hogan whose real name is Terry G Bollea, called Trump his “hero” and said, “But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the president of the United States, enough was enough,” Holgan said.

“Let Trump-O-Mania rule again; let Trump-O-Mania make America great again,” he roared to cheers from the crowd. Trump attended the convention after an attempt on his life by a shooter at a rally in Milwaukee last week.