Mumbai: In a tragic incident, a three storey building collapsed in Navi Mumbai. Several people are feared trapped under the debris of the collapsed building in Navi Mumbai’s Shahbaz village on Saturday morning. Police, fire brigade and National Disaster Response Force team are present at the spot and carrying out the rescue operation.
Navi Mumbai Deputy Fire Officer Purushottam Jadhav said that two people have been rescued and two are likely to be trapped.
“We received a call about a building collapse at 4.50 am. 2 people have been rescued. Two people are likely to be trapped and rescue operation is underway to rescue them,” Jadhav told ANI.
#WATCH | Maharashtra: Kailas Shinde, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Commissioner says, “The building collapsed around 5 am. It is a G+3 building. Two people have been rescued and two are likely trapped. NDRF team is here, rescue operation is underway…”
— ANI (@ANI) July 27, 2024
Kailas Shinde, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation Commissioner, said that rescue operations are underway. “The building collapsed around 5 am. It is a G+3 building. Two people have been rescued and two are likely trapped. The NDRF team is here, rescue operations are underway,” Shinde said.