Milk tanker crashes intoparked truck in Khanna: Major spill and disruption reported

Khanna: An accident took place near Bhattiyan on the National Highway in Khanna. A tanker full of milk collided with a broken truck standing on the road. The cabin of the tanker was badly damaged. The driver got stuck in the middle of it. Before people waited for the Road Safety Force or ambulance, they.

Khanna: An accident took place near Bhattiyan on the National Highway in Khanna. A tanker full of milk collided with a broken truck standing on the road. The cabin of the tanker was badly damaged. The driver got stuck in the middle of it. Before people waited for the Road Safety Force or ambulance, they started rescue work themselves.

The driver was pulled out by breaking the cabin, and his life was saved. The Road Safety Force did not come for 20 minutes after the accident. There was no sign of an ambulance either. People kept calling 108. But the ambulance did not arrive. People took the injured to the civil hospital on their own.

Charanjit Singh Dhillon, who was present on the spot, said that a broken truck had been standing on the National Highway for a long time and had not moved to one side. At the same time, a tanker full of milk from Verka was coming. While overtaking the tanker, the car hit the side, so the milk tanker driver took a cut to save the car. A damaged truck was standing ahead. However, the tanker driver also applied brakes. However, due to the milk loaded in the tanker, it did not stop, and a collision occurred. After the accident, the tanker driver was writhing in pain in the cabin. Both his legs were stuck. The people around him kept him in high spirits and broke the cabin to take the driver out. The driver’s life was saved, but the legs are said to be badly damaged. There are many fractures. A large part has been crushed.

Road Safety Force Sub Inspector Sukhdev Singh said that he had reached the spot within 5 minutes of getting information from the control room. By then, people had taken the injured driver out of the cabin. They took the injured to the hospital. The traffic was made smooth by parking the damaged vehicles on one side. Also, the concerned police station was informed about this.