New Delhi: Punjab’s Special Chief Secretary KAP Sinha met Union Health and Fertilizer Minister JP Nadda on the instructions of Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann. The meeting was held regarding the problems arising in Punjab regarding DAP fertilizer
It was told that 5.5 lakh metric tonnes of DAP fertilizer is required for sowing wheat crop on 35 lakh hectares in Rabi season in Punjab. On the contrary, till July 1, only 40 thousand metric tonnes of DAP has been made available by the Center government which is 5.1 lakh metric tonnes less.
DAP Fertilizer is necessary for sowing potatoes first in the second half of September and then wheat in October. If the stock of DAP is not completed in time, then there can be a huge decrease in wheat production, which can lead to economic and social losses
It should be noted that Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has also written a letter to JP Nadda regarding this problem of DAP Fertilizer in Punjab.