Khanna: In recent development, it is known that ED produced both Bharat Bhushan Ashu and Rajdeep Singh in the court today. As per the information, the custody of Bharat Bhushan Ashu has been increased by 14 days. On the other hand, Court gave remand of Rajdeep Singh to ED for 5 days. Both the linked to each other as the arrests have been made in relation to Grain Transport Tender Scam and Disproportionate assets case.
In the 2000 crore transport tender scam of Punjab, Congress leader Rajdeep Singh of Khanna, close to former minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu, has been arrested by ED late last night. Raids have been going on at Rajdeep Singh’s places since 4 am on Wednesday. Rajdeep Singh is a commission agent in Khanna. During the raid, ED has found many important pieces of evidence from Rajdeep Singh’s place.
Rajdeep Singh has been arrested in the same case in which Bharat Bhushan Ashu was arrested last month. On Wednesday, ED also raided Rajdeep Singh’s house in Khanna’s village Ikolahi and his commission agent shop in Khanna Mandi. After the arrest, Rajdeep Singh will be produced in the court today and remanded.
ED team from Jalandhar reached Khanna at 4 am on Wednesday. Apart from Rajdeep’s house in Ikolahi and commission agent shop in Mandi, the teams reached Khanna’s City Center. After checking the records, ED seized many important documents. ED has taken action against Rajdeep Singh under disproportionate assets.
Let us tell you that City Center belongs to Rupinder Singh Raja Gill, son of former minister Karam Singh Gill and Congress’ constituency in-charge from Samrala. Rajdeep Singh is also very close to Raja Gill. ED seized some files from City Cente and further investigation is underway.