New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Gaurav Bhatia on Friday took a jibe at Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal saying the ‘jail wala’ CM has become a ‘bail wala’ CM now. His remarks followed the decision by the Supreme Court today granting bail to Kejriwal in a corruption case related to the alleged excise policy scam.
Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Bhatia said, “The Supreme Court has shown a mirror to ‘kattar beimaan’ AAP convenor Arvind Kejriwal once again… He has got conditional bail… The ‘jail wala’ CM is now a ‘bail wala’ CM.” Bhatia further attacked Kejriwal for his past statements that politicians should resign if faced with allegations, adding that Kejriwal won’t resign because he lacks even a drop of morality.
“The most important is that Arvind Kejriwal CM should resign as per the voice of the people of Delhi… But he will not do that because he does not have even a drop of morality… He used to say that a politician should resign even if there is an allegation. And now he is out on bail, he was in jail for 6 months, but he is not resigning… Bhrashtrachaar yukt, CM abhiyukt… Now, he is in the category of an accused,” the BJP leader said.
Bhatia also slammed the AAP for celebrating the bail order and said that Kejriwal has not been acquitted. “Arvind Kejriwal never got relief from any court and no charges have been quashed… He has not been discharged… There is no question of acquittal because the trial will continue… The AAP has to answer why Arvind Kejriwal is not resigning… The BJP has zero tolerance against corruption… The corrupt Arvind Kejriwal will bow down one day and the people will take the resignation from him,” Bhatia said.
Kejriwal was arrested by the ED on March 21, 2024, in connection with a money laundering probe relating to alleged irregularities in the now-canceled Delhi excise policy 2021-22. On June 26, 2024, AAP Chief Arvind Kejriwal was arrested by CBI while he was in custody of the Enforcement Directorate in the excise case