Chandigarh: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) has arrested Jagandeep Singh Dhillon, the former District Manager (DM) of PUNSUP in Ludhiana, who had been absconding in connection with a multi-crore paddy scam involving the grain markets of Ludhiana district. Dhillon surrendered before the Ludhiana court today and was subsequently arrested by the VB.
A spokesperson for the state Vigilance Bureau disclosed that Dhillon was wanted in connection with a scam related to paddy transportation tenders within the Food and Civil Supplies Department, Punjab. In this regard, a FIR No. 11 dated 16.08.2022 was registered under sections 409, 467, 420, and other relevant sections of the IPC, along with sections 7 and 8 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, at the VB Police Station, Ludhiana Range against former Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu and other accused.
He further informed that Dhillon had previously obtained anticipatory bail from the High Court on 18.09.2023. However, the Supreme Court set aside the bail order on 16.07.2024. Since then, Dhillon had been absent from duty and was placed under suspension by his department. The VB had been making continuous efforts to apprehend him.
He further informed that following continuous raids and mounting pressure from the VB, Dhillon, seeing no other alternative, surrendered to the Ludhiana court today and was sent to judicial custody. Further investigation into this case was under progress.