Delhi Police conducted an operation that led to the arrest of three individuals and the seizure of over 1,300 kilograms of illegal firecrackers at two locations within the national capital. The arrested individuals, identified as Manoj Kumar, Sanjay Atri, and Vipin Kumar, were involved in a racket supplying banned firecrackers across various areas in Delhi.
According to the police, the crime branch managed to dismantle the illegal firecracker supply chain after receiving leads about the illicit trade based in Village Baprola, Outer Delhi. Manoj Kumar was found to be at the center of this operation, supplying banned firecrackers throughout the city. Following received tips, a raid was executed at a godown in Village Baprola, resulting in the discovery of a significant stockpile of illegal firecrackers.
Initially, Manoj and driver Sanjay Atri—who was responsible for transporting the contraband—were arrested. During questioning, Atri indicated that he delivered the illegal firecrackers to the Prem Nagar and Kirari areas. This led to a subsequent raid at another godown located on Main Majri Road, Roop Vihar, Mubarakpur Dabas in Kirari, where a large quantity of illegal firecrackers was also recovered, resulting in Vipin Kumar’s arrest.
In total, authorities confiscated 1,323 kilograms of illegal firecrackers throughout these operations, and investigations are ongoing. This crackdown follows a previous arrest in September involving another man caught smuggling 65 kilograms of illegal fireworks into Delhi ahead of the Diwali festival. The Delhi government has enforced a strict ban on the production, storage, sale, and use of firecrackers, aimed at combating air pollution, which will remain in effect until January 1, 2025.