Mumbai: Contrary to media reports suggesting that Abhishek Bachchan missed his daughter Aaradhya Bachchan’s birthday celebration on November 16, a recently surfaced video has confirmed his attendance. The video, shared by the event management company responsible for organizing Aaradhya’s birthday for the past 13 years, shows Abhishek expressing gratitude to the company’s owner for arranging the event.
While Aishwarya Rai Bachchan had earlier posted photos from Aaradhya’s birthday celebrations on November 21, which coincided with her father Krishna Rai’s birth anniversary, the images did not feature Abhishek. The photos showed Aishwarya, her mother Brinda, and Aaradhya honoring Krishna Rai’s memory and offered glimpses of Aaradhya’s birthday moments. Aishwarya’s post captioned “You are officially a teenager Aaradhya” did not mention her husband, raising questions about Abhishek’s omission from the post.
This latest video has sparked speculation about Abhishek and Aishwarya’s relationship. Rumors of a possible separation between the couple have been circulating, fueled by reports of Abhishek’s alleged involvement with actress Nimrat Kaur during the filming of Dasvi. Further fueling these speculations, there have been claims that Aishwarya has been living separately from the Bachchan family since last year.
Abhishek and Aishwarya married in 2007 after a few years of dating, and welcomed their daughter Aaradhya in 2011.