Jalandhar: Amidst the ongoing politics regarding the municipal elections in Punjab, Jalandhar Police has seized 100 boxes of illegal liquor day ahead of voting. According to the information received, this recovery has been made by the police near Basti Bawa Khel. Police Commissioner Swapan Sharma said that the liquor was recovered during election patrolling.
CP Swapan Sharma said that among the liquor recovered, 95 boxes were of Blender Pride and 5 boxes of another brand. It is said that liquor was specially marked for sale in Chandigarh. The main accused has been identified as Dr. Jasbir Singh Anand, a resident of Jalandhar, and has been arrested by the police. The search for Sanjeev Kumar alias Sanju, a resident of New Gautam Nagar, Jalandhar, is currently on by the police.
CP Sharma said that secret information was received regarding illegal liquor smuggling following which this action was taken. The CP further said that along with taking strict action against liquor smuggling, continuous efforts are being made to catch the accused. The teams of Jalandhar Commissionerate Police are working on where the accused brought this liquor from.