Mumbai: The 1993 Japanese-Indian anime classic, Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama, is set for a cinematic release on January 24. The film, now remastered in 4K with enhanced audio, will be available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and its original English version.
Distributed by Geek Pictures India, AA Films, and Excel Entertainment, the creative adaptation is overseen by veteran screenwriter V Vijayendra Prasad, known for Baahubali and RRR.
Initially slated for release in October 2023, the date was postponed to ensure wider reach. A new trailer drops on January 10. Directed by Yugo Sako, Ram Mohan, and Koichi Sasaki, the film features iconic voice performances by Arun Govil, Namrata Sawhney, and Amrish Puri.
The animated epic will precede another major adaptation—Nitesh Tiwari’s live-action Ramayana starring Ranbir Kapoor, set for release on Diwali 2026 and 2027.