A massive fire broke out in an industry in Baddi, an industrial area of Himachal Pradesh this morning. The loss is estimated to be in lakhs of rupees. Several fire brigade vehicles are engaged in extinguishing the fire on the spot. But even at 11 o’clock the fire could not be fully controlled.
According to the information, a fire broke out in Samarth Life Science Pharma Company located in Manpura at around 9 am on Friday. No staff was present in the company at the time of the incident. There was no loss of life due to this. However, most of the factory was burnt to ashes due to the fire.
On receiving the information, several fire department vehicles reached the spot and started efforts to control the fire. Even till 11 am the fire could not be fully controlled. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained yet.
The local administration has reached the spot and the cause of the fire is being ascertained.