In Haryana’s Panipat, a young man crossing the road due to heavy fog was hit by a speeding canter. After the accident, the accused driver fled from the spot. Passersby who reached the spot informed the police about the accident. As soon as the information was received, an ambulance and police reached the spot.
This incident happened near Pepsi Bridge. The young man was taken to the civil hospital in an unconscious state. After a checkup in the hospital, the doctors declared the young man dead. At the same time, the police identified the deceased and informed the family. The police is taking further action in the case.
The deceased has been identified as 18-year-old Asvinder Roop. He was originally from the Etah district of UP. Recently he lived in village Ganjabad of Panipat. He used to work in a thread factory. Like every day, on Saturday morning also he left home for work and went to the factory on foot.
When he reached Pepsi Bridge and started crossing GT road, he could not see the canter coming from the other side due to fog and the speeding canter hit him. Due to this he died. After the accident, the accused canter driver fled from the spot.