Tamil Nadu: In an effort to find the illegally residing Bnagladeshi infiltrators in the country the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) in Coimbatore has arrested 31 Bangladeshi nationals from the Palladam area of Tiruppur district on Sunday.
Official sources said that the arrests followed a tip-off that a large number of Bangladeshi nationals were staying in Banyan companies in the region using fake Aadhaar cards.
Badri Narayanan, Superintendent of Police in Coimbatore while speaking with the media, shared that the Coimbatore Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) police received secret information that a large number of Bangladeshi youths were staying in Banyan companies in the Tiruppur district.
Based on this, police arrested 31 youths for illegally staying in the Palladam area using fake Aadhaar cards and brought them to the police station for questioning.
Evidence, including fake Aadhaar cards and PAN cards, was seized from the individuals.
“The youths are currently being interrogated. The police have also seized evidence including Aadhaar cards and PAN cards from those who were brought to the police station and are actively interrogating the youths,” said the official.
This operation follows a similar arrest earlier this week, where six Bangladeshi nationals were detained for working and staying illegally in the Mahalakshmi Nagar area of Palladam.
“All 31 arrested Bangladeshi nationals are being brought to the police station for interrogation,” added the Coimbatore SP.