New Delhi: The leader of Opposition in the Delhi Assembly, Vijender Gupta, on Sunday slashed to Arvind Keijriwal and said that his ‘new found sympathy’ for slum dwellers, is a “new drama” by the Aam Aadmi Party.
Gupta told reporters that Kejriwal’s claim of considering slum dwellers his everything and asked why AAP’s “love for slums” suddenly arose during election time. He pointed out that AAP leaders have been absent for the past decade while slum dwellers have been deprived of even basic facilities.
He also said that now after fearing defeat in assembly polls, Kejriwal suddenly remembered the slum dwellers.
The BJP leader claimed that during his frequent visits to slum clusters, he consistently found that thousands of residents suffer from AAP’s neglect, lacking even basic amenities.
He highlighted the dire situation of these slums: “no access to clean drinking water, pervasive filth, clogged sewage and drainage systems, and a complete lack of healthcare facilities. The promise of free electricity has proven empty, with slum dwellers being handed hefty electricity bills.”
Gupta also accused the Delhi government of failing to fulfil its promise of providing clean drinking water to every slum household. The much-touted “tap in every house” claim has proven hollow.
“Even the community taps installed in these colonies often run dry. Women are forced to wait with empty buckets for hours in the hope of water, often left with no choice but to buy bottled water. Over the past decade, no AAP minister or leader has addressed their concerns,” he said.
However, with elections at the doorstep, Kejriwal now goes as far as calling slum dwellers his “brothers and sisters.” Gupta termed this a peak example of AAP’s hypocrisy.