Shimla: Last evening, a grandmother and granddaughter died after being hit by a rock in Naldhera near Shimla in Himachal Pradesh. In Naldhera Jholo village, the grandmother and granddaughter had gone to Ghasni along Matlu Khad to collect fodder for the animals. All of sudden a big rock fell from a JCB working on the hill above, killing both of them.
The deceased have been identified as 70-year-old Geeta Devi and 21-year-old Varsha. Varsha was a B.Com final-year student at RKMally College in Shimla.
According to the information, the work of straightening the field was going on with the JCB. Excavation was being done for this. Grandmother and granddaughter were collecting leaves in Ghasni, much below that place. Suddenly a rock fell from the hill, which hit both the grandmother and granddaughter. Both were seriously injured due to this.
After this, the local people took both of them to the hospital in critical condition where the doctors declared them dead. Postmortem of both the bodies will be done today. After this the bodies will be handed over to the family members.
On the complaint of Vijay Kumar, the police have registered a case against JCB operator Harinand, land owner Besar Dutt and Kelav Ram and started an investigation. Soon the JCB operator and others will be arrested in this case.