Chandigarh: An important hearing was held in the Punjab-Haryana High Court regarding the mayor election to be held on January 24 in Chandigarh. The current mayor Kuldeep Kumar has filed a petition in the court and raised questions on the provision of ending his term before time and voting by raising hands in the upcoming elections.
The High Court heard the arguments of all the parties while hearing today and has fixed the next hearing of the case on January 20. The court has asked the Chandigarh administration whether the mayor election can be postponed? The court has asked the administration to bring clear instructions on this.
This is an important development regarding the Chandigarh mayor election and all eyes will be on its results. The city’s mayor Kuldeep Kumar on Wednesday requested Deputy Commissioner (DC) Nishant Yadav to postpone the upcoming elections and conduct elections for the posts of Mayor, Senior Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayor after February 19.
On Wednesday itself, he had also filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court to change the date of these elections. On which the decision is to be given in the court of Justice Suresh Thakur on Friday.
Mayor Kuldeep Kumar said that his term does not end by the fixed date of 24 January for the mayoral elections. Secondly, AAP councillors wanted that this time the election should be held in a fair manner in front of everyone by “raising hands” and not by ballot. So that any differences can be avoided like last time.