A massive fire broke out in a tyre recycling factory in Uklana, Hisar on Wednesday morning. The fire started due to gas leakage from the rect machine, which took a monstrous form in no time. As soon as the information about the incident was received, 4 fire brigade vehicles reached the spot to extinguish the fire.
The incident is from Litani village. In the factory, the work of separating oil, wire and rubber is done by melting old tyres. During this process, gas is produced in the rect machine, the leakage of which caused the fire.
The fire spread rapidly due to half-burnt tyres and gas. The artisans working in the factory initially tried to extinguish the fire, but it was not possible due to the fire taking a monstrous form.
There was no loss of life in this accident and all the artisans and workers are safe. To prevent the fire from spreading, other tyres kept in the factory were immediately removed. According to fire brigade officials, as long as the gas continues to leak from the rect machine, it is difficult to get complete control over the fire.