New Delhi: Ahead of Delhi elections the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditiyanath on Thursday called the ruling Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi an ATM for dispensing lies and appealed to voters to repeat their Lok Sabha election verdict against Arvind Kejriwal.
Addressing a gathering in favor of BJP candidate Bajrang Shukla in Kirari Assembly constituency, he said that their policy of giving financial assistance to priests initially did not include temple pujaris and when it did, it excluded heads of Valmiki temples.
He also said that the AAP’s agenda does not include priests of Valmiki temples,” he said, adding that the scheme for paying salaries to heads of religious places started with Moulvis as part of their polarisation strategy.
“Their policy of ‘Banto aur raj karo (divide and rule)’ got exposed even in the scheme for giving honorarium to heads of places of worship,” he said, calling the AAP a ‘jhoot ka ATM (ATM for dispensing lies).’
Showcasing the performance of “double-engine” governments in states around Delhi and in the Hindi belt UP, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, the saffron clad UP CM hit out at Kerjwal and Atishi governments for failure to clean the Yamuna, remove mountains of garbage, provide infrastructure push and affordable and continuous power supply.
Taking to task the ruling AAP over a polluted Yamuna, he said, “The quality of water of the Yamuna is far better in Prayagraj than what it is in Delhi.”
He also targeted the AAP government for failure to improve or beautify any place of worship in Delhi. “Look what has been done under Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Kashi, Ayodhya and Prayagraj. Today, 1,000 places of worship in UP are getting a facelift,” he said.