In Jhajjar, Haryana, a youth was cheated of Rs 9 lakh in the name of an online loan. He took a loan from a private company and money was also credited to his account. The next day, when the company demanded high interest, he returned the money. After which calls for EMI started coming. The police have registered a case and started action.
In a complaint to Bahadurgarh police, Mukesh Kumar said that on January 17, he received a call on WhatsApp and was offered a loan. After which he sent the required documents to them. The person said that the loan company passed 9 lakh 73 thousand rupees and after deducting the charge from the loan, a total of 9 lakh 6 thousand 733 rupees came into the account.
Mukesh Kumar said that he was being asked for high interest, he refused to take the loan. The call from the company said that if you do not want the loan, then whatever payment you have received within 24 hours will have to be returned. On which Mukesh Kumar sent back 9 lakh 6 thousand 733 rupees to the account of the company mentioned the very next day.
Mukesh Kumar told in his complaint that the very next day of returning the loan, he got a call and was told that the loan you have taken amounts to a monthly installment of 38 thousand 700 rupees for 36 months. I told them that I had paid back all the money taken as loan, then they said that no money of the loan given by us has been returned and they also denied me the letter that I had sent to them, saying that this letter is also not ours.