Rohtak: A case of cyber fraud has come to light with a person living in New Vijay Nagar, Rohtak. Rs 1 lakh 40 thousand were cheated from him on the pretext of making a credit card. First, he talked to him on the phone posing as a bank employee. When he agreed to make a credit card, a link was sent to his WhatsApp.
After filling in the information on the link, Rs 1 lakh 40 thousand were deducted from his account. On the complaint, the police have registered a case and started an investigation. Sahil, a resident of New Vijay Nagar, Rohtak, has complained to the cyber crime police station.
He told in the complaint that he has a credit card of SBI Bank. The credit card limit was Rs 2.69 lakh. On January 17, a call came on his mobile number. The caller introduced himself as an employee of IndusInd Bank. He offered to make a credit card.
Sahil had to get his second credit card made. So he agreed to get the credit card made. After this, the other person sent a link on WhatsApp. When he clicked on that link, SBI credit card details were asked for, so he entered the information in it. OTP also came, however, he did not share it.
Despite this, Rs 1 lakh 40 thousand 399 was deducted from his credit card. After this, the victim complained about the matter to the police. Police have registered a case on the basis of the complaint and started investigation.