Imphal: On January 25, significant quantities of seized drugs worth approximately Rs 435 crore were disposed of in Manipur’s Imphal West district, with the event attended by Chief Minister N. Biren Singh and other senior officials. In a separate operation, the Nagaland Police also destroyed drugs valued over Rs 35 crore in Dimapur and Mon districts.
In Manipur, the destroyed substances were incinerated at the Shija Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility and included:
Chief Minister Singh emphasized that since taking power in 2017, the BJP government has initiated a “War on Drugs” as part of a national campaign to combat drug abuse, guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah. He described the fight against drugs as a critical mission to safeguard future generations and the integrity of the nation.
He revealed that since 2017, drugs worth around Rs 688 crore have been disposed of, over 2,000 arrests made, and nearly 200 convictions obtained for drug trafficking. He also highlighted the importance of public destruction of seized drugs for transparency and called on citizens and local organizations to join in the fight against drug-related issues without compromise.
In Nagaland, various drugs, including brown sugar, heroin, crystal meth, methamphetamine tablets, cough syrup bottles, and opium straw, were destroyed in two operations conducted by the District Drug Disposal Committee, with a total value exceeding Rs 35 crore. The state’s proximity to Myanmar facilitates the smuggling of drugs, making it a major concern.