New Delhi: In response to the allegations made by Aam Aadmi Party National Convener Arivind Keijriwal, the Chief Minister of Haryana Nayab Singh Saini visited Delhi’s Palii village on Wednesday and took a sip of water from the Yamuna to counter the allegations of poisonous water.
Saini termed Kejriwal’s statement as “unfortunate” and accused him of making the remarks to “create fear in the minds of people” for political gain. Speaking to reporters, he said, “An unfortunate statement by Arvind Kejriwal was given to create fear in the minds of people for his political benefits.”
Saini further stressed, “Today, I have come here to the banks of River Yamuna and took a sip of water from Yamuna. He said that the BJP Government of Haryana has poisoned the Yamuna River.”
Kejriwal had alleged that the Haryana government had “poisoned” the water supplied to Delhi, with the intention of causing harm to its residents.
“The water resource authority took samples from here and no poison was found in the water,” he added, alleging that Arvind Kejriwal has “lied all his life…”
The controversy originated from Kejriwal’s remarks on Monday, where he accused the Haryana government of “poisoning” the Yamuna water supplied to Delhi, claiming it could have caused mass fatalities. Kejriwal said, “If this water would have entered Delhi only to be mixed with the drinking water, many people would have died in Delhi. It would have caused mass genocide.”