Shimla: In Himachal Pradesh, Kisan Credit Card holder families with a loan limit of Rs 50,000 or more will not get a place in the BPL list. The state government has fixed 13 different criteria for the selection of BPL families in the month of March-April. Only on the basis of these, eligible people will get a place in the BPL list. A family fulfilling even one of these criteria will not be able to be included in the BPL. Apart from this, five such criteria have also been fixed for selection in the BPL list, under which the families coming under it will automatically be included in the BPL list.
According to the information, BPL families will be reviewed in Himachal Pradesh in the month of March-April. During this time, while ineligible people will be shown the way out of the BPL list, eligible people will be included in this BPL list. During this time, the state government has fixed 13 different criteria for which people are to be included in the BPL list and which people are to be excluded.
If a family is taking benefit under any one of these 13 criteria, then it will not be included in the BPL list. According to these criteria, all the families living in houses with concrete walls will be out of the BPL list. Apart from this, it has been decided to exclude families living in houses with two or more rooms from the BPL selection process.
These families will be ineligible
– Persons having motorized two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, and fishing boats.
– Mechanized three-wheeler-four-wheeler agricultural equipment.
– Kisan Credit Card with loan limit of Rs 50 thousand or more.
– Families whose any member is a government employee.
– Families whose any member is earning more than Rs 10 thousand per month.
– Families paying income tax.
– Families paying business tax.
– Families who have a refrigerator.
– Families who have a landline phone.
– Families who have 2.5 acres or more of irrigated land.
– 5 acres or more irrigated land for two or more crop seasons.
– Families who have 7.5 acres or more land.
They will automatically get a place under BPL:
– Homeless families
– Destitute – Those who make a living by begging.
– Manual scavengers.
– Primitive tribal groups.
– Bonded labourers freed legally.
Survey work is going on to give place to eligible persons in BPL. About 13 parameters have been decided. After the instructions of the state government, now families with an annual income of Rs 1.5 lakh will also be given a place in BPL.