From UAE, man gives ‘triple talaq’ to wife in Kerala over WhatsApp

Kasargod: Kerala, a 21-year-old woman was taken aback when her husband, Abdul Razzaq, sent a WhatsApp message to her father stating “talaq, talaq, talaq,” effectively ending their marriage. Razzaq, who works in the UAE, sent this message on February 21, just days before the woman was scheduled to travel to the UAE on February 24..

Kasargod: Kerala, a 21-year-old woman was taken aback when her husband, Abdul Razzaq, sent a WhatsApp message to her father stating “talaq, talaq, talaq,” effectively ending their marriage. Razzaq, who works in the UAE, sent this message on February 21, just days before the woman was scheduled to travel to the UAE on February 24.

Triple talaq, which allows a Muslim man to divorce his wife by saying “talaq” three times, was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2017, and in 2019, it became a criminal offense under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act.

The woman revealed that Razzaq had been pressuring her for money and had previously taken her to the UAE. She expressed her shock at his actions, suggesting he harbored doubts about her fidelity and stated her intention to seek justice through legal means. Her father confirmed that they had sent money to Razzaq, which was raised by selling the woman’s gold ornaments, to facilitate her travel to the UAE. He criticized Razzaq’s method of issuing the divorce, emphasizing the proper procedures involving community elders and religious figures. The woman’s family has since filed a complaint with local police against Razzaq for cheating.