Karnataka: In a disturbing incident in Belagavi district, Karnataka, a woman and a young girl were assaulted by their neighbors who accused them of prostitution. This occurred in Vaddarawadi, under the jurisdiction of the Malamaruti police station. The woman, who had lived in the area for four years, faced allegations from a neighboring family that.
Manipur: Authorities have recovered three bodies in Jiribam district, Manipur, but police are unable to confirm if they belong to the six individuals who have been missing since November 11. A police spokesperson in Imphal indicated that the bodies were found near a river late Friday and have not yet been identified. They are being.
Bhubaneswar: The Commissionerate Police have taken into custody a woman and her 35-year-old partner, accused of brutally abusing her minor children for opposing their illicit relationship. The incident took place in a slum area under the Maitri Vihar police station in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The suspects are identified as Raju Nayak from Kumbhara Bazar in Kandhamal.
Dharamsala (Himachal Pradesh): The police station in Damtal has arrested two individuals for heroin smuggling in Dharamshala. The accused are Bharat, also known as Tamma, and his younger brother Khanna. Police conducted a raid on their residential house in the village of Chhanni, located in Tehsil Indora, District Kangra, where they recovered 91.4 grams of.
New Delhi: On November 15, in a significant clampdown on drug trafficking, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and the Gujarat Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) collaborated in an operation in Porbandar that resulted in the confiscation of 500 kilograms of illegal drugs. The operation commenced late on Thursday night along Porbandar beach and continued into the early.
In a significant crackdown on illegal firearms, police have confiscated a total of 19 pistols over the past four days. The most recent seizure occurred at a checkpoint near Talwandi Bhai chowk, where SSP Saumya Mishra reported the recovery of 11 .32 bore pistols and seven magazines. The weapons were seized from two unidentified suspects.
Jalandhar:In a major blow against international organised crime, Jalandhar Rural Police dismantled a two separate criminal gangs, including UK-based extortion syndicate, and arrested 10 hardcore criminals after recovering seven pistols along with 18 live cartridges and 10 magazines from their possession, said Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab Gaurav Yadav here on Thursday. Police teams.
Madhya Pradesh: In a disturbing incident in Gohta village, Madhya Pradesh, a Dalit community was targeted with arson in the wake of bypolls for the Vijaypur Assembly seat. The violence erupted after the voting concluded late on Wednesday. Reports indicate that miscreants caused chaos in the village, throwing stones and vandalizing property. Many frightened residents.
Gaighata (West Bengal): A youth was arrested in Gaighata, North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal, for allegedly raping a minor girl after intoxicating her. The incident reportedly occurred on the night of November 10, but the victim’s parents filed a formal complaint at the Gaighata police station on Wednesday night, leading to the youth’s.