Ludhiana : A 32-year-old woman was found murdered with her throat slit near the railway line at Gill Road in Ludhiana. The city police on Monday identified the victim as Sandeep Kaur of Mundian. According to the police, the body was recovered on Sunday evening but then the woman was unidentified. Today, morning the police.
The PNRC officials had prepared fake records and tampered with the government records for conducting examinations of nursing students without the necessary admission forms, examination forms and requisite examination fees.
Ludhiana: Punjab, Ludhiana Police has arrested notorious gangster Vicky alias Tiger and recovered illegal weapons, pistol and live cartridges. Police officials said that he was absconding for a long time. after arrest Police produce gangster Vicky before the court. Court sent him on two days police remand. ADCP Amandeep Singh Barar said that the police.