Shimla police has registered the case of conspiracy to topple the government against the four rebels MLAs, of Congress party Rajinder Rana, Chaitanya Sharma, Ravi Thakur, Devender Bhutto former Uttarakhand chief secretary Rakesh Sharma and Haryana BJP leader Tarun Bhandari. Shimla Boileauganj police station has summoned four MLA’s in this case. Shimla Police had registered.
Haryana Karnal police has solved the ASI Sanjeev mystery and arrest the culprit. ASI Sanjeev was attached with the State Crime Branch. ASI’s brother-in-law, who is in Canada hired shooter and given him the killing contract. The police has arrested two shooters from UP and an accused who claimed to be the national president of.
In a sensational case young man was shot dead in Suthana (Rewari, Haryana) on his birthday. It is being told that the Dinesh (35) resident of of village Ranauli Pranpura (Rewari) was returning home on bike with his friends, the miscreants who came in a car open fire on him and he died on the.
Sonipat: Haryana renowned gangster Kala Jathedi’s mother Kamlesh committed suicide by swallowing poisonous substance under suspicious circumstances. Kala Jathedi’s mother was admitted to a nearby private hospital in critical condition, but she died during treatment. After receiving the information, the police team rushed the spot and took the body in custody and kept it in.
Jalandhar: Punjab Police has now started cracking down on fraudulent travel agents. Police has caught such fraudulent agents who used to cheat people in the name of European countries, America, England, Canada etc. and fraudulently send them to Cambodia and other South East Asian countries countries. DGP Punjab police Gaurav Yadav share the information on.
Barnala: Punjab police special task force and Drug Control Department busted a factory manufacturing fake and intoxicated medicines in Barnala. STF arrest Four accused namely Director Sissu Pal son of Pawan Kumar, Nisha Rani wife of Sisu Pal resident of Arya Samaj Block Dhuri, District Sangrur, firm owner Dinesh Bansal son of Ashok Kumar resident.