Arvind Kejriwal’s big announcement, said- ‘I will resign from the CM post after two days

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a big announcement while addressing the workers at the Aam Aadmi Party headquarters on Sunday. He said that I will resign from the CM post after two days. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal while addressing the party leaders said, ‘When I was in jail, the BJP people asked.

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a big announcement while addressing the workers at the Aam Aadmi Party headquarters on Sunday. He said that I will resign from the CM post after two days. Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal while addressing the party leaders said, ‘When I was in jail, the BJP people asked why Kejriwal has not resigned from his post. They filed cases against all the people of the opposition. Today, how much could we do for Delhi because we are honest. These people are afraid of our honesty, because they are not honest.’

He announced, today I have come to your court, I have come to the court of the people. I have come to ask you whether you consider Kejriwal honest or guilty. After two days, I am going to resign from the CM post. I will not sit on the CM chair until the public gives its verdict. You will give your verdict, then I will go and sit on that chair. You must be thinking that why am I saying this now, they have accused me that Kejriwal is a thief, corrupt, I did not come for this work. Kejriwal, referring to Lord Ram’s exile, said, when Lord Ram returned from exile after 14 years, Sita Maiyya had to undergo Agni Pariksha. Today I have returned from jail, I will have to undergo Agni Pariksha. There are elections in February, I demand that these elections be held in November along with Maharashtra. I will not take responsibility until your decision comes and until the elections are held, someone else from Aam Aadmi Party will become CM in my place.

He further said that with the blessings of the people, we have the strength to face all the conspiracies of BJP. We will neither bow down nor stop nor sell ourselves in front of BJP. I did not come to be a part of this game of money to power and power to money.

Let us tell you that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal got bail from the Supreme Court on Friday. He came out of jail on the same day. During this, party leaders expressed happiness over his release.

Bhagwant Salutes Arvind Kejriwal’s thoughts  
Punjab CM Bhagwant praise Aam Aadmi Party’s National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal and salutes to his thoughts. He said on his social media handle that,  Aam Aadmi Party’s National Convenor Arvind Kejriwal has announced his resignation from the post of Delhi Chief Minister after 2 days… He has also appealed to the people of Delhi that if they are honest then they should vote for him in the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections… Only an honest and public-spirited leader can say this.