New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday searched the premises of Gaurav Mehta, a witness in the 2018 cryptocurrency fraud case, in Chhattisgarh’s capital Raipur and scanned documents in connection with a money laundering probe. Mehta worked for a consultancy firm which was helping Pune Police probe a separate cryptocurrency fraud. Earlier, Mehta’s name was.
Mumbai: Voting for the Maharashtra Assembly elections 2024 commenced on Wednesday morning, marked as a crucial event with potential national implications, under stringent police security. Early voters included notable figures such as RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat, Shiv Sena Mumbadevi candidate Shaina Nana Chudasama, and Bollywood actor Akshay Khanna. Many residents, particularly enthusiastic youngsters and first-time.
Jharkhand: Voting for the second and final phase of the Jharkhand Assembly elections commenced on Wednesday, covering 38 constituencies across 12 districts. A total of 14,218 polling stations have been established for this phase, with 2,414 located in urban areas and 11,804 in rural regions. Comprehensive security measures are in place, involving 585 companies of.
New Delhi: Union Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Hardeep Singh Puri on Monday heaped praise on Prime Minister Narendra Modi for starting various initiatives for the Sikh community, including the operationalisation of the Kartarpur Corridor. “From opening of the Sri Kartarpur Sahib Corridor to painting the fundamental teaching of Sikhism ੴ ‘Ek Onkar’ on.
CEC Rajiv Kumar has directed all officials including the Chief Electoral Officer, District Election Officers, SPs and Observers to continue strict watch over the next two days and curb distribution of any inducements till polling is complete.
Bhopal: On the final day of campaigning for the Maharashtra Assembly elections, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is set to spearhead the BJP’s efforts in Mumbai on Monday. He will engage in five roadshows and host public rallies in various Assembly segments, including Dharavi and Kandivali. As the vigorous campaign draws to a close,.