Mumbai : Extending her wishes on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navami, actor Kangana Ranaut, who forayed into electoral politics after being named the BJP’s Lok Sabha candidate from Himachal’s Mandi, also reminisced about her visit to Ayodhya for the ‘Pran Pratishtha’ or the ceremonial enthronement of Ram Lalla at his grand abode.
Taking to her Instagram handle, Kangana shared a video clip of her visit to the Ram Temple on the day of the grand opening of the shrine on January 22, this year.
The video clip she shared not only showcased the grandeur of the temple but also featured snippets of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rousing address to the packed audience, including top dignitaries from diverse fields, at the inauguration ceremony.
“After 500 years, the auspicious moment has arrived when for the first time, Ram Lalla is celebrating Ram Navami in his grand temple,” Kangana posted from her Instagram handle.
PM Modi observed an 11-day ‘Anusthan’ leading up to the grand ‘Pran Pratishtha’, during which he followed a rigorous personal routine while visiting shrines across the country associated with Lord Ram.
He was also the Jajman at the enthronement ceremony and performed the rituals under the watchful eyes of a select complement of priests and seers picked from across the country.