Actress Alia Bhatt on Sunday wished her 'nana' on his birth anniversary by sharing unseen childhood pictures with her 'grandpa', expressing that "you and your stories live on in our hearts forever."
Actor Varun Dhawan, who is currently embracing fatherhood, on Sunday shared an adorable first glimpse of his baby girl along with a picture of his furry friend, Joey, on Father's Day.
Actor Maniesh Paul, who is well-known for his deft comedic timing and adaptable hosting skills, on Saturday, wished a happy birthday to his beloved son.
Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, who is set to host the upcoming season of the reality streaming show ‘Bigg Boss OTT’, said that his wife Sunita Kapoor is the Bigg Boss of Kapoor family.
Actress Daljit Kaur has recently taken legal action against husband Nikhil in Kenya. Amidst the news of divorce, Daljit had recently gone to Kenya. After returning to India, Daljit has told that she has taken action against Nikhil and has taken a stay order from the court.
Honey Singh took to the Stories section of his Instagram and shared a message for Sonakshi, saying that although he will be busy with the shoot of his upcoming song in London, he will make it to the wedding in Mumbai.
Today, on his death anniversary, his sister Shweta Singh has shared an emotional post. Apart from the sister, Sushant's close friend in Bollywood Sara Ali Khan and ex-girlfriend Ankita Lokhande have also shared posts for him.