Mumbai : Saif Ali Khan and Kareena partied on Wednesday as they got together with family to celebrate their younger son Jeh’s third birthday. In the video of the birthday party, Kareena aka Bebo wears a yellow T-shirt paired with a green summer coat and blue denims. For makeup, she opted for nude lips, blushed.
Goa : Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh and actor Jackky Bhagnani have tied the knot in traditional way. The couple got married in a traditional way in Goa, now they will get married as per Sindhi traditions. Couple shared beautiful photos from their wedding on their Instagram handle. Take a look
As filming for “Ramayana” is set to commence in March 2024, fans eagerly anticipate witnessing Arun Govil’s transformation into the royal patriarch. Alongside a star-studded cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Sai Pallavi, and Yash, Govil’s presence adds a touch of nostalgia and authenticity to the project.
Weaver has also paid her tribute to Spanish actress Maria Luisa Sola, who has dubbed her in over 30 films, starting with Alien. “The excellent actress who dubs me should be up here on the stage too,” she said to a rousing applause from the audience.