Mumbai: Actress Anushka Sharma and her husband and cricketer Virat Kohli celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary with their family and friends, leaving the internet in awe of their adorable chemistry. The lovebirds Anushka and Virat also known as ‘Virushka’ by their fans, had tied the nuptial knot in Italy on December 11, 2017.
Taking to Instagram, Anushka, who enjoys a massive fanbase of 66.7 million followers shared a sneak peek of her intimate anniversary celebration. The photos features Virushka candidly cutting a chocolate cake, with their families cheering for the couple in the backdrop. Anushka wore an off shoulder black dress with silver work on it, while Virat looked dapper in a formal navy blue shirt and denim jeans. He completed the look with white sneakers.
Take a Look at their Anniversary Celebrations
Instagram posts shared by Virat and Anushka
The star couple also took to their respective Instagram handles and shared sweet notes for each other on thier 6th wedding anniversary. Anushka shared an adorable picture while hugging husband Virat. She Captioned, “Day filled with love and friends and family ❤️ got too late to post for the gram? 6+♾️ of ❤️ with my numero uno 🥰”. Virat also shared an another picture of them from the celebrations. which he captioned with a red heart emoji along with an infinity symbol.
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