Chandigarh: Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, while interacting directly with the Anganwadi workers through audio conferencing under the CM’s special discussion program in Chandigarh, gave a big gift to the Anganwadi workers and assistants by increasing the monthly honorarium, including increasing the amount received on retirement. He also announced the increase in the remuneration of Anganwadi workers with more than 10 years of experience from Rs 12,661 to Rs 14,000 per month.
The Chief Minister said that based on the required eligibility and minimum qualification for the post of Supervisor, 25 percent posts of Supervisors will be set aside for promotion on the basis of merit-cum-seniority from among Anganwadi workers with 10 years of experience.
The Chief Minister said that Anganwadi workers, who take care of and nurture childhood, have an important role in making children cultured. He said that a person is formed most in his childhood, it is in childhood itself that the foundation of a person and personality is laid. If work is done in the right direction to satisfy the curiosity of children, then that child becomes a good and responsible citizen of the country in the future.