CM Nayab Singh Saini reached Panchkula. Where he attended the Gau-Seva Samman Ceremony and observed the exhibition. At the same time, the CM will honor the cattle breeders for promoting animal husbandry and dairy.
The honor ceremony has been organized by Haryana Gau Seva Commission and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Department at Indradhanush Auditorium located in Sector-5. The program will be presided over by Animal Husbandry and Dairy Minister Shyam Singh Rana, while Swami Gyananand Maharaj, known as Geet Manishi, will be present with special dignity.
People associated with cow shelters invited to the ceremony
People associated with cow shelters of every district of Haryana have been invited to this ceremony. The purpose of the program is to promote the importance of cow shelters and animal husbandry in the state and to honor the people working in this direction.
The committee officials said that the event is not only an effort to preserve the culture and traditions of the state but will also provide a platform to encourage those who have made outstanding contributions in the animal husbandry and dairy sector.