In the case of the student’s suicide, the police have arrested Rahul, the son of the patron of Sharda Mahila College located in village Singhani. This college belongs to Congress MLA Rajbir Fartia and his brother-in-law Hanuman Singh is the patron and member of Sharda Shiksha Samiti.
The DSP said that the SIT is investigating the case. Initial investigation has revealed that Rahul used to harass the student. He used to call her repeatedly. Rahul had called the student even before the student committed suicide. His mobile phone has been seized. It will be sent to the lab for investigation and the deleted data will be recovered.
Three cases of cybercrime are registered against Rahul in Hyderabad, Behror and he has also been to jail. He will be presented in court today. The SIT has gone to the college and seized the records. The student’s father had alleged that due to non-payment of fees, the principal did not allow his daughter to appear in the examination and expelled her from the college.
The patron’s son was pressuring his daughter to do wrong things. Hanuman was also aware of this and his daughter is also involved in this. Police had registered a case against Hanuman, Rahul, the daughter and the principal. The Chairperson of the Women’s Commission had also written a letter to the Superintendent of Police for strict action.
Till now, there was a war of words between ministers and BJP and Congress leaders in this case. Kumari Selja and Randeep Singh Surjewala had raised questions on the state government in the case of a student committing suicide. After which Social Justice and Empowerment Minister Krishna Bedi had retaliated.