Chandigarh: Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has said that under the ‘Mukhyamantri Gramin Awas Yojana’ and ‘Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana’, the state government will soon provide housing to all poor families. For this, all the necessary arrangements have been made by the Housing for All Department. The process of allotment of 100-100 square yard plots to the eligible people of the state will be completed in a phased manner.
A review meeting of the Housing for All Department was held in Chandigarh on Tuesday under the chairmanship of Chief Minister Naib Singh Saini. Under the scheme, 100-100 square yard plots will be given in developed colonies equipped with all the basic facilities on the lines of cities. For this, an amount of Rs 100 crore has already been approved by the Chief Minister. While chairing the meeting, the Chief Minister directed the officials that the amount given to the eligible families for allotment of flats or plots should also be financed through banks so that even in the absence of a lump sum payment, no eligible family is deprived of the benefits of the scheme.
It was told in the meeting that under the schemes, all such eligible families in the state have been identified, who do not have their own house, land to build a house or flat and whose annual income is less than Rs 1.80 lakh. Under the Chief Minister Rural Housing Scheme, more than 5 lakh people have applied for 100 square yard plots and all eligible beneficiaries will soon get plots in various phases. Similarly, under the scheme, 50 square yard plots will be allotted in Mahagram Panchayats.
Similarly, under the ‘Mukhyamantri Urban Housing Scheme’ by the state government, more than 2.89 lakh such families living in cities had applied for houses, who do not have their own house and whose annual income is less than Rs 1.80 lakh. In this, about 1.51 lakh people have applied for plots and 1.38 lakh people have applied for flats. Out of this, provisional allotment letters have been issued to 15256 last year.