A case of cheating of Rs 1 crore 35 thousand by luring to send abroad has come to light in Karnal. The victim had lodged a complaint 70 days ago, but now an FIR has been registered. The victim alleged that the accused together resorted to fake documents in the name of sending his relatives abroad in a planned manner. After the complaint to the SP, the police have registered a case and started further investigation.
Sandeep told the police in his complaint that he is a resident of a village in Panipat district and currently lives in the new grain market of Karnal. He alleged that 8 people in collusion with each other grabbed one crore thirty-five thousand rupees in the name of sending his relatives abroad. The accused not only cheated him of money by luring him to send him abroad but also prepared fake documents. The victim told that the accused won his trust by luring his relatives to get a job abroad and extorting the money under a well-planned conspiracy.
The victim had earlier complained Sector-4 outpost Karnal on 19 September 2024. He alleged that the police post did not take any action for 70 days. Frustrated, he gave a petition to SP Karnal, after which a case was registered in the city police station. The investigation of the case has been handed over to SI Ilam Singh. The police are investigating the case.