Hansi: Unknown vehicle hit bike rider, father of 5 children died

The body of the laborer has been kept in the civil hospital of Hansi city for now

Hansi: An unknown vehicle hit a bike rider on Monday night at around 9:30 pm on Hansi to Tosham road in Hisar district. A 40-year-old laborer died in this accident. The body of the laborer has been kept in the civil hospital of Hansi city for now. His body will be postmortemed this afternoon.

The deceased’s brother Rajiv Kumar, who was present in the hospital, said that he is a resident of Bihar and works as a marble stone installer in Hansi city. Rajiv Kumar said that someone called him and informed that his brother had met with an accident near Dhani Shakri on Tosham road. The caller told him to immediately reach the civil hospital.

He saw that his brother was badly injured and the doctor declared him dead. Hansi police also reached the spot. At present, the body of the deceased has been kept in the mortuary of the civil hospital. The postmortem of his body will be conducted this afternoon.

The deceased’s brother Rajeev Kumar said that his brother had come to Hansi city just 3 days ago. He has 5 children who currently live in his village in Bihar. Hansi police have started an investigation in the case.