Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini presented a unique example of social harmony on his birthday. When sanitation workers reached Sant Kabir Kutir in Chandigarh to wish him on his birthday, the Chief Minister sat with them at the same table and had breakfast. The employees looked happy with the behavior of the CM. During this, the CM heard the problems of the workers at the breakfast table itself and discussed about their work.
According to the information, Saturday is the birthday of Haryana CM Naib Saini. Leaders of the country and the state and the general public are busy congratulating him. There is also a queue of people at the CM’s residence Sant Kabir Kutiya in Chandigarh to wish him on his birthday.
CM inquired about his well-being
Amidst all this, a group of sanitation workers from Panchkula and surrounding areas also reached to congratulate CM Nayab Saini. At that time, preparations for breakfast were going on at the CM residence. When the team of sanitation workers reached there, the Chief Minister not only welcomed them heartily, but also immediately invited them to the breakfast table. During this, he talked to all the employees and asked about their well-being.
Female employee said – We are very happy
Female employee Poonam, who came to the CM residence from Panchkula, said that we had come to wish the CM on his birthday today. When we reached here, we were shocked because food was ready for us. CM said that you should eat with us before leaving. We are very happy. We wish the CM a very happy birthday.